‘AHAM BRAHMASMI’- the famous Hindu phrase from Upanishads, which means ‘I AM ONE WITH GOD’. Lord Gautam Buddha once said,” Every human being is the author of his or her own, health or disease”. The word Health is derived from an English word Whole, and Healing is a process of returning back to Wholesome or healthiness.
Healthy or Unhealthy Self:
 Every illness from common cold to cancer can be healed with unconditional love and complete acceptance. Illness is just a matter of perception because we create this illness in our body through our thinking. Our inner thoughts and belief system is a mirror to our life and also our health. Our body cells are capable of healing themselves. Our thoughts, especially negative thoughts like fear, anger, regret, jealously, insecurity, unworthiness, anxiety, tension, are ingredients of unhealthiness.” Disease is just a state where our body is not at ease i.e. dis-ease.”, says Louise L. Hay.  When we learn to substitute these thoughts with faith and love we return back to a healthy state i.e. we are healed. When we make a conscious shift from a perception of illness to a state of well being and healthy mind, the doctor within us will act instantly taking all the measures to a harmonious and a healthy body. Body is our best friend. Our body is a reflection of our consciousness.
 When anyone mentions about body language the first thought that comes to us is that is a way through which we come to know about a person’s personality. But, our body does have a language, a language of sensation through which it constantly speaks to us, from common cold to aches, from the tingling sensation that runs down the spine to the tears that role down the checks when one cries, to the tumor cells, every sensation that the body has is a means of communication that the body attempts to have with oneself. Every time our body speaks to us, we need to listen to it very closely.
Means of Communication
What are these means of communication? It is the thoughts and the belief system. The organs, cells and tissues of our body carry a lot of information of this lifetime and also of the previous ones. Each and every emotion and feeling felt by us is stored in the cellular memory, in a seamless continuum. These cellular memories affect our personality and also lead to illness.
How can we get rid of these memories which are being continuously transferred from our cell to the others? How to bring about this shift? Every cell in our body responds to our thoughts, so the shift in our thought pattern would take us to a state of perfect health. Any disease is allowed in our system because we have made space for it through our limiting beliefs. The lack of self love, unworthiness, anger, jealously, bitterness, insecurity, feeling not good enough, are just few of those beliefs that leads to illness and diseases.
 How to Heal?
The only way to heal ourselves is by transformation of these beliefs. When we begin to replace all these thoughts with love, joy, compassion, tenderness, and gratitude, when we have great respect for our self and when we approve and accept ourselves just as we are, we can recognize the changes in our energy vibration. When we drop the resistance and accept all our emotions, even the ones that hurt, we begin the process of healing. We should keep the thoughts that make us happy and try to let go of those that do not. Just by focusing on the cheerful and healthy thoughts and letting go of the rest would bring positive changes in our lives.
Not all of us would be able to recognize these limiting beliefs easily as they are so deep rooted within us, but we all wish to be free of them. All we need to do is love ourselves. But, how to love yourself? To start with, we should stop criticizing ourselves and others, and accept ourselves as we are. Praise ourselves as often as we can. When we criticize we hurt our inner self and our spirit. When we praise ourselves, we build it. Love yourself as much as you can and have a desire to have a healthy body, mind and spirit and this will clear the negative blocks and clear unwanted energies stored in our body. As our energy vibrations change, we become closer to the vibrations of our higher self, our consciousness. When we let go of our ego, we accept ourselves as we are with our good and bad.
Trust is the key – trust yourself, your body, believe in the process and follow your consciousness and healing happens as healing is just returning back to what we already were - Whole. The body’s inherent nature is to heal and we need to encourage our body in doing so, by loving ourselves as much as we can. Since, love is faith, faith is belief and belief lies within us, therefore believing in ourselves keeps us healthy and hence ‘Aham Brahmasmi’.


When we say spirituality, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?  I am sure majority of us would direct ourselves towards either religion, faith or a state of mind? Few years back, I was living a life that was full of confusion and was suffering from anxiety and depression on and off and was searching for something that even I was not sure of. Then one fine day, I met my master and she changed my perspective towards life and led me to something that was very new to me- SPIRITUALITY.

I had many misconceptions about spiritual people and spirituality, but she wiped of all my previous impressions about spiritual life as well as everything in between. In this article, I have tried to summarize 5 most common misconceptions that people have about spirituality.

Spiritual Beings Are Always Happy, Kind And Compassionate.

People, who are regularly into spiritual practice, experience emotions just like any normal human being. They also have a feeling of anxiety, anger, sadness, frustration and other negative emotions. However, they know how to step out of the mind trap and witness all the emotions. They tend to accept everything unconditionally and this brings about transformation. Spiritual people are normal human beings- don’t expect them to be in the image of HH Dalai Lama every time.

Spiritual Growth Feels Virtuous

The fact is that spiritual growth does not feel that good, well, not in any way while it is happening. Spiritual growth peels back layers upon layers of old beliefs, thought patterns as well as habits that are toxic. It’s like tearing down of strong walls that we have nurtured all our lives. Facing your dark side, or your vulnerability is neither that easy and nor does the feeling of getting to the inner self feels great. The process is usually painful in the initial stages. However, when you begin to notice the change, the time becomes ripe for you to see the beauty of your transformation and this is when one feels good and happy.

Spirituality Is Contagious

One of the common misconceptions that many people have while they are on their spiritual journey is that other people around them would jump aboard on the spiritual train as soon as they notice a positive change in you. While this may also happen, it is important that you understand that it is your journey and no one else’s. Another important thing to remember is that you cannot change anybody and in no way it is your job as well. It is not appropriate to push your ideas on anyone. Be gentle while interacting with others on your spirituality.

It Is an Ego-Free Zone

While you may think that those individuals who are on spiritual journey and are diving deep into the consciousness become more peaceful, centered and loving and would be ego-free, it generally isn't the case. Many people on the spiritual journey cling on to something that is likely to help them and turn it into another belief they get attached to. The aim is to detach oneself from all the beliefs and not replace them with anything stronger. I’m not trying to say that beliefs are bad but, we usually tend to bring it into ego- territory.

Spirituality, Will Bring About a Solution to All Big Qs of Life

We want answers to everything in life – curiosity is human nature! We want to know why we are here, what is purpose of our life, when will we die, why do we die, does God actually exist, etc. Spirituality might not be able to answer all these questions. Spirituality may offer you certain guidelines to live life in a better way but might not be able to answer your big questions. It is a pathway for inner transformation and once transformation takes place all your doubts are answered on their own.


  1. Quite informative... Even i had these misconception caused due to some spiritual leaders.

  2. I agree. Spirituality is an individual process of growth that is the only way to answer our own questions, even those questions commonly shared.

    Emotions and conscious awareness are tied together. Unconditional acceptance of our own emotions enables us to be fully present with ourselves and our life experiences. Reflection occurs on many levels; the soul reflects it's own internal processes through the body, and into the external world experiences that each one of us encounters.

    Thank you,

    I enjoyed your post!

