Wednesday 5 February 2014


“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!”

-Bob Marley

Our mind is one of the most sacred things gifted to us by god. It keeps us alive, thinks, gives us logic as well as keeps us cautious. However, if left unchecked, it can pulverize a person more quickly than anything else. It has a tendency to control and we are so habitual of it that most of the times we do not comprehend the myriad of times it pushes our inner wisdom and peaceful, loving sense aside.

There is no course or book that can alter the mind’s nature because the problem is not our mind, it is the way we use it. We may feel anxious, fearful, depressed or resentful when we give our mind all the authority and follow all the instructions and logic against our inner wisdom.

Whenever we ignore our natural inclination, we can know that the mind is controlling us. For instance, you feel like calling your dear friend whom you have not spoken for a long time and the mind immediately says it’s so silly to do that, probably he/she does not even remember me. And you never call and lose touch with your friend. However, if you would have not ignored that little voice in you and called your friend, it would have made you both truly happy.

Do you have trouble in saying “NO”?

For me, saying no is not easy and I didn’t even see it as a serious problem until it took away all my peace and I was only pleasing others. My life became messy and it took me a long time to recover, however, I’m still trying to learn to say NO when my heart does not feel good in doing something. It is a total mind game, and it wants to be liked and appreciated always. Our mind fails to realize that saying “no” is not a big deal. It is our right to do things that makes us genuinely happy, and this would benefit everyone around us.

We often fall in the trap of repetitive negative thoughts and keep on worrying about them. Once we learn to ignore the unpleasant thoughts, they will be replaced by pleasant ones shortly. The best way to ignore them is to be aware of them.

Our mind starts controlling our lives when we start controlling other people. Be it small or big matters, controlling someone else in the long run will annoy us and is disrespectful as well. Controlling anything ceases the flow of life and we can miss out on so many beautiful things.

We often recognize that we are being very negative and we are constantly inundated with thoughts like we should be positive and grateful.  But, they are mostly of no help as our mind starts being critical of the situation or person and we fail to remain positive all the time.

So, is there any way that can help us remain happy and let our mind not play those games? My answer to this is acceptance! Accepting who you are, how you are is definitely one of the most loving as well as genuinely positive things that one needs to practice. This is applicable when we are being controlled by our mind as well. It is the nature of mind to seek control and we should not judge it as good or bad. Just let it be and accept it. Sometimes, we will succumb and other times we will succeed. We need to accept whatever is going on in our mind soon we will be out of our mind’s control.

Monday 3 February 2014



Life is full of uncertainties and most of the times it would bring up what we never plan for. It happened with me as well. I have recently started feeling as though I am standing at the crossroads in my life and have been feeling quite restless and uncomfortable.

I love my work, working with clients, helping them and it makes me very happy. At the same time, I’m also a mother to a three year old child and although it is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a woman, it has its own challenges and demands. As a result, I spend more time at home with her and work less.

If you would have asked me a few years back, I was certain that I will never be a stay-at –home-mum. But, today, the situation demands something else from me, being an army officer’s wife everything is so uncertain and I do not know what will be my next step and what will I do. There is so much uncertainty and turbulence in my life at this moment and it's not easy to decide between the major choices of my life, i.e., whether I should choose my work or be with my child or start my dental practice and so on and so forth.

My response to this was to obsess endlessly till I find an answer. However, I realized that all my efforts to understand and know the situation actually blocked me from the truth rather than revealing it to me. The uncertainty makes a person feel vulnerable and as a result, we try to escape from the situation in any possible way. I was also not immune to it!

The most common mistake

We try to see the future and become fortune tellers, making ourselves crazy. Our minds spin through the same scenarios that we can imagine and keep on doing it over and over again and fail to come to any resolution.

However, one needs to understand that are our future is greatly determined by our actions that we take in the most uncertain situations. We succeed when we embrace the uncertainty. Without these uncertain times, we might never push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.

A lot of people have experienced staying in unhealthy relationships or in an unsatisfying job because the uncertainty of leaving the situation created a lot of anxiety and stress and we remain stuck in unhappy situations. There is no assurance of success when we move into the unknown territory. Many people never chase their true passions, as it seems impractical or there is a lot of fear associated with that step. However, we fail to realize that it is in these moments of uncertainty and discomfort that we encounter life’s most important and amazing adventures.

What needs to be done?

Accepting uncertainty and making peace with it needs courage, trust and faith. We need to believe that no matter what happens, we will be taken care of, we will find a way through and it’s okay not to have answers to all the questions.

Once we stop controlling, accept the situation and release all the resistance, it makes our lives happy and free. We can consider the possibility of a power constantly at work that is greater than us and it is absolutely okay to leave the reigns. There are many circumstances that are far beyond our control and they are impacting our lives by deciding our future. Fixing the problems sometimes makes us blind to the possibilities.

We cannot embrace our uncertain future if we keep on thinking how it should be. A constant noise in the head drowns out our intuition and our heart’s voice. Once we accept the uncertainty and let go the resistance, the noise in the mind subsides and we get in contact with our intuition.

For me, meditation is an incredible way to facilitate this contact. Sitting quietly and being aware of my mind has helped me to find some peace and stability as well as listen to my heart. I try to be aware of my thoughts and those fearful talks that take place in my mind. Practicing awareness has quieted my head to a great extent and I’m more open to the new possibilities and welcome whatever life has to offer.

Wednesday 29 January 2014



Our everyday problems and challenges of life force us to keep dwelling upon what is wrong in our life. One of the easiest and fastest way to feel happy and stay in high spirits is to express gratitude. Gratitude means thankfulness, noticing simple pleasures, counting our blessings as well as acknowledging whatever we have. Expressing gratitude is a very effective way to interrupt depression, anxiety and anger. It immediately shifts our attention from unproductive and unwanted thoughts to constructive thinking patterns. It shifts our focus from the deprivation towards abundance. Being grateful for what we have uplifts our mood and changes or perspective towards our problems as well as life. Additionally, conveying gratitude and thanks, makes a person happier as well as help in strengthening relationships, improves health, and reduces stress.

Appreciate Simple Gifts

We usually take it for granted that all the good things that we already have in our lives was supposed to be with us by default.  Hence, our focus is always on what we do not have and forget about all the wonderful blessings that god has bestowed on us. Once, we start being grateful for what we already have, we somehow begin to appreciate the simple pleasures and things that we previously took for granted. Gratitude teaches us to constantly find goodness even in the adverse situations.  Practicing simple ways of expressing gratitude creates more happiness in our lives.

For instance, remember to say thank you when someone performs a simple gesture like opening a door. When we find more opportunities to be grateful for, we feel better about life at the end of the day. The effect of gratitude is contagious and when we show it to others, it will mirror back to us instantly. Try and see it yourself!

Every day, try to find a reason to thank the most significant people in our lives, our family. The more thankful and grateful we are for our family, the more they would reflect it back to us. Gratitude can create a state of happiness explosion that fills every room of the house. We should remember to always thank children for doing their chores. This recognizes their small and precious efforts and in turn models polite behavior. It also makes them more confident and they would appreciate us more.

How do we start?

We should try to start a new day by expressing gratitude and saying “thank you” for minimum three things that we have. It could be as simple as a great cup of tea or good health, job, parents, friends, house, car, this life. It could be anything which makes a person feels happy and grateful. Take a moment and feel the appreciation while being thankful. Establishing an attitude of gratitude once we begin our day makes our day full of happiness and joy.
When the situation is not favorable, flip the coin and find three things in that situation for which one should be honestly grateful. This could be being grateful for a doctor at times of ill health or having some savings when one is jobless. This may not be very easy, but finding the good in every situation keeps us motivated to move on. After all, circumstances could have been much worse.

When one finds himself or herself in negative self-talk, one must stop and find at least three things for which they should be thankful. Interrupting the destructive self-talk and being grateful for whatever we have, builds up self- confidence.

The most common method practiced to develop an attitude of gratitude is to maintain a gratitude journal. We must write down at least three things for which we are grateful for in life. It could be done as the first thing in the morning or the last thing when one goes off to sleep or whenever comfortable.

So, start bringing gratitude in this moment instead of waiting for something to happen in the future to feel grateful. This will help us to become a master of gratitude. I'm so grateful to my mind, body and my computer that I could write this article! What are you grateful for??

Monday 27 January 2014

Spend Some Sacred Moments in Nature

Sparing out some time from our busy city life and spending some moments in the nature puts us at ease and nurtures our soul. Our consciousness expands as our monkey mind quietens when we are surrounded by the natural beauty.  Nature always welcomes us and awakens something extraordinary that is deep within us.

A dose of nature

We share a very inimitable relationship with nature. It transmits energies that balance your body, mind and soul. We can see and feel its energy in the vibrant colors which surround us and in the invisible vibrations of the plants and animals. When you walk or sit in your natural surroundings, just attune yourself with these subtle vibrations, breathe them and feel them in your body. Soon you will feel much more alive. Everything is perfect and so beautiful in nature!

As you start spending time in the nature, the intrinsic beauty of nature would be revealed to you. Once your obstructed view is clear, you would start noticing and appreciating it. When your heart starts embracing what you see, nature starts revealing its secrets. As you spend more time and surrender yourself to nature, it becomes your guide and nurturer.

Communicating with nature

According to Shamans’, all rocks, trees and ground communicate with us. They talk, sing and gives us some or the other message. While we are wandering in the serene beauty of nature, it guides as well as teaches us about our soulful connection with the nature and the universe.

You need to be present with the nature and be aware of it and soon you would realize that you are surrounded by the nature’s energy. Talk with the nature, share your happiness, give it your worries and stress and the nature will love you. You can feel a profound sense of oneness.  Even the trees and stones can be your masters, you just have to trust and listen to them. They might teach you much more than what you can learn from the books.

Nature helps us in many ways. It can help us in finding the deeper meaning of our existence. It can guide us to listen to our inner voice, or release all the stress while we relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Look for the signs and mull over them until the message is clearly understood.

Being with the nature can be one of the most beautiful experiences and once we understand our connection with it, it can even become our master.

Saturday 25 January 2014



Have you ever got lost in dance? Dancing is an attribute, performed in whatever way, can connect you with the divine. The quest for spiritual enlightenment and inner peace can be reached ideally when we balance our loftier pursuits and pay equal attention on our physical plane of existence. We spend every single moment of our life in our physical bodies and we have often heard people saying “the body is temple of our soul”. We all know the importance of physical exercise and proper nutrition for a healthy and stress free life. One such exercise is dance which not only keeps us fit and healthy but can be used as a wonderful tool that affirms our basic joys. Dancing can be used as a way to express our new levels of consciousness.

The deepest desire of our body and soul is to follow the spiritual path. Dancing expresses our feelings and emotions and is a great medium through which we can touch the universal energy. So, what are you waiting for, just put on your dancing shoes and let us be one with the cosmos.
Many cultures have different types of dance forms associated with them. There are many spiritual teachings that have a strong and firm belief in dance. Many spiritual teachers have also laid a great emphasis on dance as a form of meditation. There are infinite and inherent possibilities through which we can advance on our spiritual path and dance is just one way out. Read on and find for yourself if your passion for dance can help you reach your elevated spiritual goals.

One should dance, to praise and pay gratitude to the universe. Sometimes when you want to thank the universe or let the supreme power understand your appreciation, words or prayers just do not suffice. Put on your favourite music and let your body move in ecstatic appreciation. Praising the divine by dancing does not require any special skill, just enjoy the way universe confirmed your faith. The universe would join you and celebrate the way you move.

Dance can also be a form of meditation. Practicing certain precise body movements helps us in exploring the depth of meditation. One needs to explore what movements and actions he or she enjoys and channelize his or her energy. Even simple walking can be meditative walking. Being aware of the moment and presence in the time is required. Slowing down and observing your movements and paying attention on the minute details of your body sensations will be an entirely different experience.

My friends who know me since childhood know my passion towards dance. I loved to dance though never knew why it made me feel ecstatic and blissful. However, with time I lost touch with this passion and the desire to dance faded with time. I felt as if I had completely forgotten how to dance. Recently, I was talking to one of my dear friend and a wonderful clinical hypnotherapist, Avinash about passion. The discussion made me ponder on to what is my passion in life and I was kind of completely clueless about it. I decided not to stop till I don’t find it. Soon I understood that one thing which I enjoy from my heart is to dance. I never had to discover my passion, it was there in me but I was not acknowledging it. Soon, I was again dancing for myself and it helped me in connecting with my core, my Being and that motivated me to write this article.

Whenever we are dancing, we maximize our body’s potential and it’s a great way to praise the universe. When we connect on a spiritual plane through dancing, the rhythmic movements of the body become a gateway to unite with the divine

Tuesday 21 January 2014



We have heard the word ‘surrender’ many times, but do we really understand what does surrender mean and what spiritual leaders and masters mean when they ask us to surrender and accept the situation?

Some people have negative connotations with the word surrender, implying giving up, defeat or failing to face the challenges of life. However in a true sense, surrender is something entirely different from what the common perception. It does not mean to just give up to the situation and do nothing about it or cease to make any plans or taking any positive action.

What is surrender?

Surrender, is simply, to accept the present moment unconditionally without any resistance. The only place we can do this is in the present ... in the NOW. Inner resistance is to refuse to accept the situation through emotional negativity and mental judgement. It becomes evident when things are not in our favour. We face many circumstances where things go wrong with us. It is indeed at those times that we need to practice surrender if we want to eliminate pain and suffering from our life. Acceptance of the moment as it is immediately will free us from the mind identification and in turn reconnects us with our inner self, our being. It is our mind that causes resistance.

Surrender does not mean in any way that we cannot take necessary action and change our situation. It is important to understand that it is not the situation that we need to accept when we surrender, but just the present moment, the NOW.

When we resist anything, it is not only our psychological form that becomes rigid and hard but, our body also gets affected. Tension arises in the body and it starts storing as stress in different body parts. As a result, body as a whole starts contracting. The free flow of energy which is also called prana (required for healthy functioning) gets restricted. This in turn gives rise to physical ailments. However, there is something in us that remains unaffected by the momentary circumstances and only by surrendering to the situation we can access that. It is nothing but the inner most part of you, the consciousness.

There are times when situations are complicated and intolerable. We can break the resistance pattern only by surrendering. Once we surrender and take action, a different energy flows into what we do. Surrender connects us to our Being which makes any situation joyful. It greatly enhances the quality of whatever we do or create. It is the quality of our consciousness in the moment that determines the future we will experience. Therefore, surrender is the most important thing that we can do to bring positive change in our life. Any other action we eventually take is secondary.

How do I surrender?

In the state of surrender, we can clearly see what the situation demands. If the situation is unpleasant, simply surrender to what is. Then ask yourself- what you can do to improve or change the situation and take appropriate action. Our focus should not be on 100 things that we might do in future but on one thing that we can do in this moment. This does not mean in any way that we should not do any planning. It is highly possible that planning is the only thing that can be done in that situation. But, make sure not to lose the now and fall in the trap of mental movies that keeps us in the future.

It is possible that the actions we take might not bear fruit immediately. Till that time don’t resist the situations and circumstances and be a witness to what is happening. This helps in entering deep into the NOW. Once we enter this timeless dimension, change comes is very strange ways and life becomes more cooperative and helpful.

Three Qs for surrendering

Whenever you are in any situation be it good or bad, just ask yourself these three simple questions.

·         What was I doing?
·         What I am doing in the now?
·         What should I do now?

These three simple questions will help you in accepting the situation and surrendering to NOW. To make it simple I would take an example. Suppose the universe is a vast ocean and we are non-swimmers who are thrown into it. Now there are two options for me, either I fight with water and drown or I accept the situation and thereafter learn to swim. As soon as I get into water I have to make a realisation that I am in water now, this will answer my first question. Secondly I make a realisation that I am drowning; this will answer the second question. Lastly, I realise that I need to move my limbs in a coordinated manner to stay afloat and hence I learn to swim. I have managed to answer all three questions.

However most of us go wrong when we do not answer the first two questions. Most of us will jump to third question directly and start moving our limbs. The movement will not in a coordinated fashion and though we may keep afloat for some time, eventually we will drown as we start getting tired. Fighting the water may just not help at all.

Start by acknowledging resistance. Be in the moment when resistance arises and try to observe how our mind creates it and plays with us. Notice the thoughts and feel the energy of emotions. By witnessing all this, soon you will achieve a state where you see that all this serves no purpose. Once we focus on the NOW, the resistance becomes conscious and its role is finished.

Saturday 18 January 2014


Our life is made up of either positive or negative things. Every aspect of the life which includes health, work, relationships and money is either positive or negative. You may either have abundance or you may lack money. You are healthy or you lack fitness. Your life is filled with happiness or you may have grief in your life.

Without exception, anybody who has a great life has utilized the power of LOVE. It is the power to have all good and positive things in your life. The power of love we are talking here is different from what you understand love to be. In fact, it is much beyond loving your friends, family and favourite things.

The force of love is not visible to us, but its power is much more than any other power of the nature. The power of love has the ability to create virtue and change the distress in your life.  It gives you the power to change every important aspect of your life. You don’t have to go anywhere in search of this power, it lies inside you.

But, if the power of love resides inside you, why is that, your life is not that amazing and magnificent? Why aren’t you happy and lack joy in your everyday life? The answer is very simple- you have the choice to utilise this positive force or not. Whether you realize this fact or not, in every decision you make, you make this choice and have been doing so all your life.

Law of love

Love is the reason behind every good thing in your life and lack of love is the reason of all the negativity, pain and suffering. Our universe is governed by the laws of nature. We can travel by an aeroplane because aerodynamics works according to the laws of nature. Just as aviation industry is governed by these laws, similarly to harness the power of love, you need to understand its law- the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is one of the most powerful laws of the universe. This law holds every star and planet in the universe and even forms atoms and molecules. The law of attraction operates everywhere on earth. This force holds together all the cells of your body. Everything that you use in your daily life is held together by this force.

The force of attraction is nothing but the force of LOVE. Law of attraction states: like attracts like. In simple words, what you give out, you receive back. Give positivity and you receive positivity; if you give out negativity, you receive negativity.

In any moment, a person is either giving out positive thoughts or negative thoughts. And depending upon what you give, you receive it back in your life. You create your life with your own thoughts and everything that is happening in your life is created by yourself. If you think, “I have a long and stressful day today”, you will attract circumstances that would make your day hectic and stressful. However, if you feel, “life is beautiful and today is going to be a wonderful day,” you attract people and circumstances that would make your day fantastic!

You receive circumstances of health, wealth, work, relationships and every event of your life depending upon your thoughts and feelings. Most people talk and think about things they don’t want in life than what they love and want. As a result, they receive what they gave. You have to talk about things that you love and it will bring to you what you love.

The force of love can change every situation in your life. No matter who you are and what your situation is, there is nothing impossible for the force of love. It will set you free. Human beings have unlimited potential to think and talk. If you change your thoughts and talk about what you love, you attract unlimited possibilities that will bring good in your life. You need to feel love in order to use its power!

Friday 17 January 2014


What is Karma? We have heard so much about this word. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means ‘action’. The famous quote “as you sow, so shall you reap” tells us everything about karma. We all know every action has an equal and opposite reaction, this process of cause and effect is associated to our thoughts, emotions and actions.

However, this law of cause and effect is not a punishment and is entirely for the sake of our education and learning.  We are spiritual beings having human experience and our karmas help us in learning as well as progressing through our actions. Thus, karma is not considered as good or bad. It operates on the universal laws that create absolute justice. Law of karma applies to every one without any exception. It teaches us oneness and makes us realize that all human beings are one irrespective of their religion, caste, caste, creed, nationality, sex etc.

Karma teaches us to be self-responsible for our actions in all situations. Understanding the dynamics of karma is one of the vital steps in spiritual evolution of an individual.


SANCHITA KARMA- it is the sum total of all the karma that is accumulated from all lifetimes.
PRARABDHA KARMA- it is the karma which is ripe and the effects of these karmas will be experienced in the present lifetime in current situations.
AGAMI KARMA- it is the recently added karma resulting from the karmas of present actions and affects our future.

Many people believe that our characters and personality are formed from the moment we take birth and we assume that the psychological makeup of an individual is a result of parental and social conditioning and genetic inheritance. Family origin, patterning, personal myths have been used to explain how the psyche of a person is affected by the childhood experiences and the genetic inheritance. Current family genetics as well as psychological environment are not only responsible for the psychological makeup of an individual.

Reincarnation and karma are interrelated. Before we take birth, we choose our parents, circumstances, social conditions in which we are born. This gives ideal conditions for the lessons we intend to learn in this lifetime.

Our character, situations have roots in the past lives. Past life habits, activities, patterns emotional and traumatic experiences from the past lives all together contribute to our present personality and character structure. All these serve as a tool for the expression of the soul and serve as factors required for the karmic drama.


The most common misconception is that the laws of karma are operating to punish us for our wrong deeds. From karmic point of view, the punishment is always self-inflicted and we believe that the law of karma operates to punish us for our wrong deeds. Identification with the patterns of guilt gives rise to the need of punishing oneself and thus punishment is self-inflicted punishment.

Another misconception about karma is that it is ‘fate’. Karma is usually viewed as negative and we have heard that our life is in control of someone sitting at the top. However, we always have the freedom to let go of the patterns that we identify with. Our life situations are always in our control. But, this is very difficult to believe initially because of our deep conditioning.

Our individual characters are shaped by our karma. It helps us in learning the lessons as well as has a vital role in our spiritual growth. As we evolve spiritually, we understand that there is no need to be attached to our false identity. This identification frees us from the karmic patterns. 
We don’t create any new karma in this state of universal consciousness.

Sri Krishna said “karma gets burnt and destroyed in the fire of wisdom”. This wisdom is we gain through self-realization. Once we grow spiritually and identify our true self, karma has no effect on our lives.

Wednesday 15 January 2014



Our body has a stupendous and infinite capacity to cure and heal itself. It changes and heals seamlessly in a mysterious way. Every disease as simple as acne or cold to cancer can be healed once we shift our mind from disease creating memories to a state of love, compassion and acceptance. Our mind can shift and the thoughts can be changed however, it may appear impossible for deeply conditioned and logical minds.

Mind-Body Connect 

We create illness in our body. Our body is a mirror of the inner thoughts and beliefs. Every tiny cell in our body (without fail) responds to every thought and word.The connection between mind and body is much more powerful that what you can think. The stores of our body, namely cells, are like a reservoir and store every single experience. Every single thought that you think, every emotion that you feel and every experience that you have, all is registered as well as stored in body cells. Not only this, these memories are transferred to the newly formed cells in a seamless continuum. The cumulative cell memories create our current personality which includes our illnesses. 

Is There Any Way We Can Get Rid Of All The Unwanted Stored Memories And Make A ‘Conscious Shift’?  The Power Of Shift Lies In Our Thoughts And Beliefs. 
How can we dispose of the unwanted stored thoughts that infect the process of manufacture of newer healthy cells? How do we go about making the ‘conscious shift’? Rightful interpretation of the fact that we all are composed of thoughts will help us in connecting to our body. Your beliefs and thoughts about yourself are mostly the root cause of all your emotional problems as well as physical ailments. Once we start changing our thinking, conscious shift takes place and our lives start to change.

Our minds can change our bodies. It is not possible for a person to always have happy thoughts. It is important to feel all your emotions and just experience them and let them go instead of trapping them in our bodies where they give birth to illness and diseases.

Nothing Is Incurable

It is again just a state of mind, there is never a no-return situation in any illness. It does not matter how severe the ailment is, unless you hold it to your belief system that has caused it. You are trapped by the conditioning of your mind, you can heal yourself. Our body is capable of healing itself to a state of infinite health and harmony. All you require is, look into your beliefs and drop the resistance to change. It is time to rediscover you.

What is the cause?

Illness is created because of our own limiting beliefs.  As soon as we pay attention to thoughts that are not aligned with our consciousness, we are at dis-ease. These thoughts hamper our peace and health. Thoughts are accompanied by emotions and whenever there is no outlet to the emotions they get stored in our energy body. When the energy blocks become quite heavy, there is an energy imbalance and gives rise to illness.

This means that our present state is not aligned to our true identity of being joyful and loving. As the thoughts change, there is a shift in our reality as well. Change in our beliefs heals our body and when we choose to focus on thoughts of health and change our attitude towards our ailments, healing takes place miraculously.

How to heal?

Healing means acknowledging that humans are not just the body but consciousness, condensed into a human form. Therefore, the process of healing begins when we pay attention to our body, have intimate conversation with it and understand the message it wants us to know. Our body is our best friend and illness is a way of the body to draw its attention towards it whenever it wants to convey anything for our own benefit. A pleasant sensation is a message that we are on right path. A painful sensation indicates we are not aligned with our divine consciousness.

Our body is carrying so much information and it wants to tell us. The only way it can communicate through us is by our thoughts. To experience the health hologram, we have to listen to our body very closely.

I Healed Myself

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid when I was three months pregnant. When the doctor confirmed it to me, I was completely shocked. I never expected anything like this happening to me. As I was pregnant, I could not take any medications and the doctor asked me to wait till the time of delivery and the most appropriate action can be taken only then. Instead of worrying and crying, I decided I will get rid of this foreign body and heal myself. I mediated and connected to my baby. As I was away from my husband (an army officer) during those days because of his posting in an unfavourable area and it being a non-family station, I could not join him. I use to remain very upset and cry most of the times. After I connected to my body I understood this fibroid was a message of my body to enjoy motherhood and rejoice the birth of a new soul and nurture it with unconditional love and acceptance. I worked on it and on my next ultrasound, the fibroid had already dissolved. My doctor was surprised as the size of the fibroid was reasonably big and it dissolved on its own.

This incident changed my life completely although there is so much more to learn about this healing process that I still don’t know. I have been trying this therapy with my daughter for her minor ailments like cold, cough, stomach ache, indigestion and have been able to help her out a lot. As long as we are open minded there is a lot of hope and We Can Heal Ourselves.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


Have you ever come across switch words? Switch words are simple one word affirmations. Switch words were found by James T Mangan and Shunyan Nirav. The concept of using switch words is like switching on an electric lamp. The desired outcome appears invariably.
Words that we speak are not that powerful because when you affirm, the conscious mind rejects them and sends a message that they might not be true. Switch words pass our conscious mind and have a direct access to the sub conscious mind. Therefore, they are very effective. They can be used in many ways and are powerful for getting what you want. This could be improved relationships, abundance, enhanced peace or creativity. The results are incredible and they help in shaping our reality in a better and positive way.
Use them like affirmations, declare, chant, sing or repeat them like a mantra. Our sub conscious mind does not have any boundaries and limitations. It will make it happen for you. Just use them the way you want and see how effortlessly your intentions shape your own reality.

Here is a list of some of the switch words that allow more health, wealth, love and prosperity. I hope you use this wonderful tool for your highest benefit.

TOGETHER- it is the master switch word which pulls the conscious, sub conscious and super conscious mind in bringing out the best in you. Use this switch word in all switch word combinations.
ADJUST- to handle unpleasant situation, to create, to balance.
ATTENTION- to avoid carelessness.
BE- to be in good health.
BLUFF- to dispel worry or fear. When you are anxious, repeat bluff. The aim is to bluff and pretend all is well. And surely it is.
CANCEL- to eliminate debt.
CARE- to memorize anything.
CHANGE- to get rid of any mental state or physical condition. Just say change and forget it. When you notice the thought and pain, say change and just forget it.
CHARM- to manifest your heart desire.
CIRCULATE: to overcome loneliness.
CLEAR- to clear any negative thought, anger.
CONFESS- to end aggression
COUNT- to attract money, to reduce smoking.
CURVE- to create beauty.
DONE- completion, to meet deadline,
DIVINE- to create a miracle or the extraordinary
FIGHT- to win a competition, game.
FIND- to attract abundance and wealth, to find fortune, say FIND
GO- to end laziness.
HO- to relax. Repeat ho a number of times and you will yawn.
LEARN- look more youthful.
LOVE- when you say “love” it wraps healing energy around the receiver and the person who sends it.
MOVE- to reduce tiredness.
NOW- to end procrastination.
OFF- to quit unwanted habit.
ON- to get new ideas.
OVER- to end frustration.
PRAISE- to stop finding faults with others and us.
REACH- to locate any object, idea or solution.
REJOICE- to stop being jealous.
REVERSE- to end a grudge.
SAVE- to stop drinking alcohol.
SWIVEL- to relieve constipation.
WITH- to harmonize with others.

You can also use switch words in combination for great results. Create your own combos and enjoy the process.
Here are a few suggestions.

TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE- to solve fights and communication problems.
TOGETHER FIND COUNT DIVINE- to make money miraculously.
DIVINE ORDER- to travel safely.
ON DIVINE- to pass in exam.
TOGETHER DIVINE PRAISE- to look more attractive and stop finding faults in others.
BE TOGETHER DIVINE- to attract health.

Anytime you feel low and doubt your abilities, use switch words and feel the shift in your energy.