Wednesday 15 January 2014



Our body has a stupendous and infinite capacity to cure and heal itself. It changes and heals seamlessly in a mysterious way. Every disease as simple as acne or cold to cancer can be healed once we shift our mind from disease creating memories to a state of love, compassion and acceptance. Our mind can shift and the thoughts can be changed however, it may appear impossible for deeply conditioned and logical minds.

Mind-Body Connect 

We create illness in our body. Our body is a mirror of the inner thoughts and beliefs. Every tiny cell in our body (without fail) responds to every thought and word.The connection between mind and body is much more powerful that what you can think. The stores of our body, namely cells, are like a reservoir and store every single experience. Every single thought that you think, every emotion that you feel and every experience that you have, all is registered as well as stored in body cells. Not only this, these memories are transferred to the newly formed cells in a seamless continuum. The cumulative cell memories create our current personality which includes our illnesses. 

Is There Any Way We Can Get Rid Of All The Unwanted Stored Memories And Make A ‘Conscious Shift’?  The Power Of Shift Lies In Our Thoughts And Beliefs. 
How can we dispose of the unwanted stored thoughts that infect the process of manufacture of newer healthy cells? How do we go about making the ‘conscious shift’? Rightful interpretation of the fact that we all are composed of thoughts will help us in connecting to our body. Your beliefs and thoughts about yourself are mostly the root cause of all your emotional problems as well as physical ailments. Once we start changing our thinking, conscious shift takes place and our lives start to change.

Our minds can change our bodies. It is not possible for a person to always have happy thoughts. It is important to feel all your emotions and just experience them and let them go instead of trapping them in our bodies where they give birth to illness and diseases.

Nothing Is Incurable

It is again just a state of mind, there is never a no-return situation in any illness. It does not matter how severe the ailment is, unless you hold it to your belief system that has caused it. You are trapped by the conditioning of your mind, you can heal yourself. Our body is capable of healing itself to a state of infinite health and harmony. All you require is, look into your beliefs and drop the resistance to change. It is time to rediscover you.

What is the cause?

Illness is created because of our own limiting beliefs.  As soon as we pay attention to thoughts that are not aligned with our consciousness, we are at dis-ease. These thoughts hamper our peace and health. Thoughts are accompanied by emotions and whenever there is no outlet to the emotions they get stored in our energy body. When the energy blocks become quite heavy, there is an energy imbalance and gives rise to illness.

This means that our present state is not aligned to our true identity of being joyful and loving. As the thoughts change, there is a shift in our reality as well. Change in our beliefs heals our body and when we choose to focus on thoughts of health and change our attitude towards our ailments, healing takes place miraculously.

How to heal?

Healing means acknowledging that humans are not just the body but consciousness, condensed into a human form. Therefore, the process of healing begins when we pay attention to our body, have intimate conversation with it and understand the message it wants us to know. Our body is our best friend and illness is a way of the body to draw its attention towards it whenever it wants to convey anything for our own benefit. A pleasant sensation is a message that we are on right path. A painful sensation indicates we are not aligned with our divine consciousness.

Our body is carrying so much information and it wants to tell us. The only way it can communicate through us is by our thoughts. To experience the health hologram, we have to listen to our body very closely.

I Healed Myself

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid when I was three months pregnant. When the doctor confirmed it to me, I was completely shocked. I never expected anything like this happening to me. As I was pregnant, I could not take any medications and the doctor asked me to wait till the time of delivery and the most appropriate action can be taken only then. Instead of worrying and crying, I decided I will get rid of this foreign body and heal myself. I mediated and connected to my baby. As I was away from my husband (an army officer) during those days because of his posting in an unfavourable area and it being a non-family station, I could not join him. I use to remain very upset and cry most of the times. After I connected to my body I understood this fibroid was a message of my body to enjoy motherhood and rejoice the birth of a new soul and nurture it with unconditional love and acceptance. I worked on it and on my next ultrasound, the fibroid had already dissolved. My doctor was surprised as the size of the fibroid was reasonably big and it dissolved on its own.

This incident changed my life completely although there is so much more to learn about this healing process that I still don’t know. I have been trying this therapy with my daughter for her minor ailments like cold, cough, stomach ache, indigestion and have been able to help her out a lot. As long as we are open minded there is a lot of hope and We Can Heal Ourselves.

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