Tuesday 21 January 2014



We have heard the word ‘surrender’ many times, but do we really understand what does surrender mean and what spiritual leaders and masters mean when they ask us to surrender and accept the situation?

Some people have negative connotations with the word surrender, implying giving up, defeat or failing to face the challenges of life. However in a true sense, surrender is something entirely different from what the common perception. It does not mean to just give up to the situation and do nothing about it or cease to make any plans or taking any positive action.

What is surrender?

Surrender, is simply, to accept the present moment unconditionally without any resistance. The only place we can do this is in the present ... in the NOW. Inner resistance is to refuse to accept the situation through emotional negativity and mental judgement. It becomes evident when things are not in our favour. We face many circumstances where things go wrong with us. It is indeed at those times that we need to practice surrender if we want to eliminate pain and suffering from our life. Acceptance of the moment as it is immediately will free us from the mind identification and in turn reconnects us with our inner self, our being. It is our mind that causes resistance.

Surrender does not mean in any way that we cannot take necessary action and change our situation. It is important to understand that it is not the situation that we need to accept when we surrender, but just the present moment, the NOW.

When we resist anything, it is not only our psychological form that becomes rigid and hard but, our body also gets affected. Tension arises in the body and it starts storing as stress in different body parts. As a result, body as a whole starts contracting. The free flow of energy which is also called prana (required for healthy functioning) gets restricted. This in turn gives rise to physical ailments. However, there is something in us that remains unaffected by the momentary circumstances and only by surrendering to the situation we can access that. It is nothing but the inner most part of you, the consciousness.

There are times when situations are complicated and intolerable. We can break the resistance pattern only by surrendering. Once we surrender and take action, a different energy flows into what we do. Surrender connects us to our Being which makes any situation joyful. It greatly enhances the quality of whatever we do or create. It is the quality of our consciousness in the moment that determines the future we will experience. Therefore, surrender is the most important thing that we can do to bring positive change in our life. Any other action we eventually take is secondary.

How do I surrender?

In the state of surrender, we can clearly see what the situation demands. If the situation is unpleasant, simply surrender to what is. Then ask yourself- what you can do to improve or change the situation and take appropriate action. Our focus should not be on 100 things that we might do in future but on one thing that we can do in this moment. This does not mean in any way that we should not do any planning. It is highly possible that planning is the only thing that can be done in that situation. But, make sure not to lose the now and fall in the trap of mental movies that keeps us in the future.

It is possible that the actions we take might not bear fruit immediately. Till that time don’t resist the situations and circumstances and be a witness to what is happening. This helps in entering deep into the NOW. Once we enter this timeless dimension, change comes is very strange ways and life becomes more cooperative and helpful.

Three Qs for surrendering

Whenever you are in any situation be it good or bad, just ask yourself these three simple questions.

·         What was I doing?
·         What I am doing in the now?
·         What should I do now?

These three simple questions will help you in accepting the situation and surrendering to NOW. To make it simple I would take an example. Suppose the universe is a vast ocean and we are non-swimmers who are thrown into it. Now there are two options for me, either I fight with water and drown or I accept the situation and thereafter learn to swim. As soon as I get into water I have to make a realisation that I am in water now, this will answer my first question. Secondly I make a realisation that I am drowning; this will answer the second question. Lastly, I realise that I need to move my limbs in a coordinated manner to stay afloat and hence I learn to swim. I have managed to answer all three questions.

However most of us go wrong when we do not answer the first two questions. Most of us will jump to third question directly and start moving our limbs. The movement will not in a coordinated fashion and though we may keep afloat for some time, eventually we will drown as we start getting tired. Fighting the water may just not help at all.

Start by acknowledging resistance. Be in the moment when resistance arises and try to observe how our mind creates it and plays with us. Notice the thoughts and feel the energy of emotions. By witnessing all this, soon you will achieve a state where you see that all this serves no purpose. Once we focus on the NOW, the resistance becomes conscious and its role is finished.

1 comment:

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