Wednesday 8 January 2014


“Inner child therapy” refers to counselling practice that aims to uncover as well as heal inner child that lives within all of us. In this therapy the therapist guides you to your emotional experience during the time of primary wounding, childhood for a lot of people. When the child is damaged, traumatized or the emotional meets of an individual are unmet during the impressionable years of the development, one usually have issues pertaining to those areas in which he was harmed. 

What is inner child work?
The inner child refers to the emotional self. It is that part of an individual, which is ultimately alive. You might have situations that arise in your life which develop into certain unresolved emotional traumas. The gradual accumulation of the unfinished mental as well as emotional business could lead to chronic anxiety, fear, unhappiness and emptiness throughout your life.

The unresolved emotional traumas as well as unhealed situations cause disconnection with your inner child. By representing that wounded child, you uncover various myths (conscious and subconscious) that you carry about yourself as well as begin to reevaluate it.

Why it is important for you?
Every child needs respect, understanding as well as needs to be taken seriously, says Alice Miller. Whether there was any overt, abuse or you were neglected in your childhood or more pressures and expectations, your psyches might bear certain childhood wounds.

Your body and your emotions still hold whatever that you have ever experienced. Things that happen in childhood remain unhealed in most of the individuals and they contribute to conflicts as well as problems you experience as adults.

Inner child work: How it is performed?
Inner child therapy is generally be carried out by hypnosis. Another common method is for the therapist to engage you in the conversation about your painful experiences.  Therapists as well as counselors are trained in these techniques to help you open up. However, hypnosis is the most popular therapeutic practice of a majority of practitioners. It is sometimes combined with other therapy methods.

How to soothe the inner child?
The process is not done all at once. You have to learn how to parent it and they will teach what they require with time. You need to take the feelings seriously and pay attention to those feelings. 
  • Find a quiet place and sit comfortably. Let your feelings emerge and accept them even     if they are painful.
  • As your feelings emerge, focus on understanding and loving the child. Appreciate the child for coming forth.
  • Let the body express love by holding a pillow, stuff toy, humming or doing anything that will comfort the inner child.
  •  Trust your instincts and let the child express his/her feelings.
You need to practice this repeatedly as your inner child slowly learns to trust you. With time, you will become a caring parent for your inner child and you would share your future with a wonderful, loving and free spirit, which is your inner child.

  • Helps you to identify and heal negative issues that caused separation from your inner child.
  • Learn to confront and release the feelings that you carried since childhood.
  • Develop healthier thought patterns and allow you to live a more fulfilling life.
  • Reconnect and re-integrate with your inner child, as well as learn how to maintain the connection.
  • Regain the blissful state of unconditional love as well as inner joy.

Target Audience
  • This intensive therapy is necessary for individuals who seek to discover themselves and bring complete transformation thus manifesting your highest potential.
  • Teachers and individuals who work with children and help them grow spiritually.
  • Therapists wishing to empower themselves and help their patients to meet their specific needs.


  1. I think I need to work on this....Amazing.....

  2. Thanks for sharing..
    Very informative and rightly said Spirituality - the way of life !!
    Nice Read

    1. Thank you Veena. i am glad you liked the topic.
