Wednesday 8 January 2014


From the first breath you take immediately after birth, until your last breath, your breath remains the most powerful connecting link between your body, emotions, mind as well as inner self. Breath is the connection to the life force, which pervades the entire universe. It is the bridge between the visible, invisible, eternal, and transitory.

What is Re birthing Breathwork? 
Conscious Energy Breathing or Re birthing Breathwork is the ability of breathing from the Breath itself. Breathing is one of the major sources of health to your body. It is the primary source of nourishment as well as elimination of all unwanted stuff such as toxins, undesired emotions or unwanted thoughts.
Leonard Orr developed Re birthing Breathwork technique. The intuitive energy Breathing is the ability to breathe the ‘Prana’ or energy and ‘air’.

Why would I try? 
It is an effective self- healing ability that you can learn. This involves breathing in a relaxed and gentle rhythm.  This floods body with energy and cleanses as well as nourishes your body physically, emotionally as well as spiritually.

Re birthing also helps to unravel the birth-death cycle and involves healing of the major human trauma, for instance birth trauma, parental disapproval syndrome, karma from past lives, senility etc. The breath acts like a bridge between conscious and unconscious. By relaxing and releasing your breath, the tension in your mind and body dissolves.

Benefits of Re birthing Breathwork 
Intuitive Energy Breathing releases emotional as well as negative charge out of the cell memory. This causes the integration of unresolved emotional, mental, physical and spiritual energies. It helps to regain health, happiness and longevity of your life. The technique helps you to learn to free both physical as well as emotional body from various energetic blockages because of suppressed and traumatic experience.

Re birthing Breathwork is a journey towards your freedom. Some of them include: difficult relationships or some pattern that keeps repeating in all your relationships, feeling stressed and trapped in a certain way of being, low self-esteem, job related problems, anxiety, depression, phobias, panic attacks, lack of confidence and general unhappiness.

Re birthing Breathwork: How can you do it? 
It is advisable to practice this therapy under the guidance of a therapist. The process starts usually by lying down and relaxing. You consciously connect to your breath and become fully relaxed. A careful attention to relaxed breath would reveal various layered patterns of inhibitions as well as exposes your unconscious patterns of defence against pleasure and aliveness. Once noticed, you can neutralise as well as integrate the patterns of the past time tension by actually breathing through them consciously.  It also offers an effective way to reveal the latent pristine state of consciousness, which you have experienced in your pre-natal time. By recreating trauma, it would be released effectively and you will be freed from effects of trauma that you were carrying on for so long.

What can I expect to experience after the session? 
Breath is a hologram and carries all subtle impressions and energy signatures of past. Through the simple Breath work practices, the past memories, which are stored in your psyche, are brought into the conscious awareness. During the session, you may experience body sensations, pains, breath suspension, crying, laughter and other emotions as well. Rapid breathing thereafter processes all related emotions as well as pains.

Once you start feeling, the original wounds can be healed that caused trauma and pain. Re birthing Breath work, therefore, is an excellent tool to heal your deeper wounds. Proper breathing is the key to your physical health. Buddhadasa Bhikku, the author of ‘Mindfulness with Breathing’ says, “the breath alone is well worth knowing, even if only in terms of health". If we know how to breathe properly, we will have good health”.

ARTICLE ALSO PUBLISHED ON rebirthing-breathwork-the-art-of-conscious-connected-breathing/

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